Ethiopia Chelbesa washed

Super sweet tea body with a hint of bergamot and citrus acidity. Great coffee for both filter and light espresso.

€15,95 EUR

Type of packaging

This excellent Chelbesa lot, which we have from the importer Falcon Coffees, comes from the local exporter Ephtah Specialty Coffee. Ephtah builds sustainable supply chains and significantly supports the role of women in the coffee industry, recognizing their key role in social and economic changes in Ethiopia.

Chelbesa, located in Gedeb, is a crucial area for Ephtah to purchase coffee from local farmers. The washing station in Chelbesa plays a key role in processing high-quality coffee. The farm, from which our coffee comes, spans 2 hectares at an altitude of 2150-2200 meters above sea level and employs 17 permanent staff and 150 additional workers during the harvest season.

Ephtah supports local communities and ensures fair compensation for producers. The main challenge is managing the fermentation and drying processes to maintain high quality. Despite these challenges, the site remains committed to producing exceptional coffee and contributing to the local economy. Future plans include improving processing infrastructure and expanding support for farmers. The Ephtah site in Chelbesa is a significant contributor to coffee production in the region, underscoring the company's commitment to quality and capacity in coffee production.

The Chelbesa lot, grown at an altitude of around 2200 meters above sea level, was processed using the Washed Dry Fermentation method after harvesting. Only ripe coffee cherries were selected from the entire lot, then washed and depulped to remove the skin. The beans were later fermented in tanks without water and dried for 10-15 days. The result is a super sweet tea body with a hint of bergamot and citrus acidity. Great coffee for both filter and light espresso.

Country of origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Chelbesa
Region: Yirgacheffe
Processing station: Lelesa
Processing method: Dry Fermentation Washed
Variety: Heirloom
Altitude: 2200 meters above sea level

Weight: 250g



For our coffee, we use reusable tubes with a capacity of 250g. We would be glad if you also use them for other purposes (such as pencils, glasses, etc.), or stop by with the tube for more coffee.

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