Ethiopia Gedeb natural

Slow dry natural Ethiopia with a full, sweet body featuring flavors of blueberries, caramel, and peach tea, complemented by a delicate citrus acidity. Roasted exclusively for filter

€15,95 EUR

Type of packaging

Lot Gedeb, like Chelbesa, comes from the local exporter Ephtah Specialty Coffee. Ephtah builds sustainable supply chains and significantly supports the role of women in the coffee industry, recognizing their key role in social and economic changes in Ethiopia. They are also involved in social and environmental projects, providing farmers with initial payments, quality premiums, second payments, and support for school fees. Future plans include expanding the Ama Commitment program, building a water tank, increasing the number of drying beds, and cultivating additional crops to support local markets.

The coffee was processed at the Lalesa washing station, located in Gedeb, a region with over 300,000 inhabitants. The area is predominantly Christian Protestant, with some Orthodox Christians, and the local language is Gedeoiniya.

The Gedeb lot was processed using the natural method with slow drying. After harvest, the coffee cherries were sorted and dried for 20-25 days on African beds under a glass roof. The result of the slow drying is a full, sweet body with flavors of blueberries, caramel, and peach tea, complemented by a delicate citrus acidity. Note, we have only a few bags of this lot and roast it exclusively for filter.

Country of origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Gedeb
Region: Yirgacheffe
Processing station: Kebele
Processing method: Slow Dry Natural
Variety: Heirloom
Altitude: 2150-2200 meters above sea level

Weight: 250g



For our coffee, we use reusable tubes with a capacity of 250g. We would be glad if you also use them for other purposes (such as pencils, glasses, etc.), or stop by with the tube for more coffee.

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