Ochutnejte každý měsíc jinou kávu
Od komplexní Kolumbie, přes sladkou oříškovou Brazílii až po šťavnatou Keňu – naše předplatné vám přináší výběrové kávy z celého světa. Objevte, jak odrůda, terroir a metody zpracování formují chuť vašeho šálku.

Coffee subscription for espresso or filter

Subscription as a gift?
Why should I subscribe to coffee?
With a coffee subscription, you not only save money and eliminate the hassle of restocking, but you also get the chance to discover a new coffee every month. You can choose a subscription for 3, 6, or 12 months, or set it up for an unlimited duration with automatic payments from your credit card. Each month, we select a coffee from our range, and occasionally include an exclusive specialty available only to subscribers.
Looking for the perfect gift for Christmas or other special occasions? A coffee subscription is a fantastic choice, especially for coffee lovers. A limited-term subscription—3, 6, or 12 months—is an ideal option.
Mohu předplatné darovat?
Předplatné lze zakoupit také jako dárek a a pokud označíte při objednávce Předplatné jako dárek, zašleme Vám na email elektronickou dárkovou poukázku. Při objednávce zadejte jméno, dodací adresu a tel. číslo obdarovaného a kávu budeme posílat na uvedenou adresu. Své údaje zadejte do fakturační adresy (v časti Platební metoda). Nebude adresa v budoucnu vyhovovat? Není problém ji dodatečně změnit přes vytvořený účet k předplatnému.
How does a coffee subscription work?
You choose the desired quantity (in this case, the number of 250g bags), the subscription duration, and once you complete the order process, we will send you the selected amount of coffee each month. For monthly subscriptions, the payment is charged to your card on the 1st of each month. Monthly subscriptions can be canceled or paused anytime, no later than the last day of the current month before the next shipment.
For subscriptions of 3, 6, or 12 months, payment is made upfront for the entire period during the order process. Both subscription types allow you to skip one month (e.g., if you're on vacation).
It’s not possible to purchase another product alongside your initial subscription order through the e-shop, but you can add additional products to your subscription later via your user account (product additions are available only for the monthly plan).
How much does delivery cost?
How much does delivery cost?
Delivery to your address or a pick-up point is free with every shipment. You can also opt for personal collection at one of our EMA espresso bar locations.
What kind of coffee will I get?
Each month, we select a different coffee from our current range, and occasionally, there will be a rare specialty exclusively for subscribers that won’t be part of our regular offerings. We rotate the coffees in the subscription to ensure you never receive the same coffee from a single harvest.
When do you send subscriptions?
The subscription begins the following calendar month after purchase, and we ship the coffee during the first week of each month. You will be notified when the shipment is sent.
How can I pause, skip, or cancel my subscription?
You can pause, skip, or cancel your subscription through your user account. Your account was automatically created during your first order, allowing you to easily manage your subscription.
Why don't you use tube packaging for subscriptions?
We love our coffee tubes—they make excellent gift packaging—but they’re not ideal for storing coffee. Additionally, they’re not recyclable, and we didn’t want them to pile up as waste. That’s why we designed new, fully recyclable bags specifically for our subscription.
These bags are perfect for coffee packaging. They feature an integrated degassing valve, allowing carbon dioxide released from freshly roasted coffee to escape easily. Moreover, they help keep the coffee as fresh as possible for longer.
Do you need to add something from our offer to your subscription shipment?
Adding a product to your regular shipment is possible with the monthly plan through your user account. However, the product must be added to the order no later than the last day of the calendar month. Subscription shipments are sent during the first week of the month.
A user account for your subscription was automatically created with your first order, allowing you to manage your subscription easily.