Natural processing
At the beginning of his business, Mustefa acquired a three-disc coffee pulper, enabling him to process half of his harvest using the washed method, while the other half is processed naturally, with cherries carefully dried with the pulp intact.
The lot we have from Mustefa’s Kabira farm was processed using the natural method with a slow drying process. After harvesting, the coffee cherries were sorted, and ripe cherries were then dried on African beds for 24-27 days. The result is a super sweet, full-bodied, and floral profile with hints of blueberries, honey, and green apples.
Country of Origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Kabira
Farmer: Mustefa Abakeno
Region: Agaro, Jimma
Processing Method: Natural
Variety: 74110, 74112 & Heirloom
Altitude: 2000-2100 masl
Weight: 250g